Print Layout: Art Catalogue

For this project, an art gallery wanted to print a full-color 16-page booklet highlighting the work of one of their artists.  I went to the artist’s studio, took photos of several of his paintings, and some photos of the artist himself.  I processed the photos in Photoshop, cropping to the edges of the paintings, correcting for skewed perspective if necessary, and brightening the exposure levels as needed.

The entire layout process was done in Illustrator.  I linked files to the original Photoshop images, which allowed me to make adjustments to the image and have it reflected real-time in the Illustrator pages.  Using the client’s text, and their preferences for which paintings they wanted to highlight, we created our multi-page booklet.  I laid out our images and text in accordance with their printer’s guidelines, allowing for page bleed.  The final result was a professional, high-grade printed catalogue which they were able to distribute to their interested buyers. 


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